Dachi Waza = Stances

Zenkutsu Dachi = Front Stance

Kokutsu Dachi = Back Stance

Fudo Dachi = Fighting Stance

Neko-ashi Dachi = Cat Stance

Kiba Dachi = Straddle (Horse) Stance

Sanchi Dachin = Pigeon Toed Stance


Ichi = One  (1)

Ni  = Two (2)

San = Three (3)

Shi = Four (4)

Go = Five (5)

Rok - Six (6)

Hichi = Seven (7)

Hachi = Eight (8)

Ku = Nine (9)

Ju = Ten (10)
ni-ju = Twenty (20)
ni-ju-go = Twenty five (25)
hyaku = one hundred (100)


1. Karate = Empty Hands
2. Karate Do = The Way of Karate
3. Karateka = Practicioner of Karate / Karate student
4. Dojo = School or training room
5. Sensei = Teacher
6. Senpai/Sempai = Senior

7. Kohai = Junior
8. Gi = Uniform
9. Obi = Belt
10. Kata = Practice Form
11. Kumite = Sparring / fighting
12. Ippon Kumite = One-step Sparring



1. Rei = Bow
2. Mokuso = Close your eyes / Meditate
3. Yame = Stop
4. Mawatte – Turn Around
5. Hajime = Begin

6. Yoi = Ready

7. Sensei ni = Face towards the teacher

8. Sensei rei ni = Bow towards the teacher

9. Seiza = Meditation Position / Kneeling


Mai = Front

Yoko = Side

Mawashi = Round

Ushioro = Back

Jodan = Head High Level

Chudon = Mid-High Level

Gedan = Low Level

Migi = Right

Hidari = Left

Power of Self Goju


Tsuki = Punch

Gyaku Tsuki = Reverse Punch

Kagi Tsuki = Hook Punch

Gedan Tsuki = Downward Punch

Geri = kick

Mae Geri = Front Kick

Yoko Geri = Side Kick

Mawashi Geri = Round Kick

Ushiro Ger = Back thrust kick

Mikazuki Geri = Crescent Kick

Uke = Block

Gedan Uke = Down /Low Block

Chudan Uke = Middle Blcok

Jodan Uke = High Block

Shuto Uke = Knife Hand Block

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